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Education Current
Experience Presently he is a principal in the following companies: CEO and General Counsel, Veterinary Technologies Corporation, a developer and distributor of livestock vaccines and kits for testing livestock. Senior Partner, Technology Law Offices of Virginia with offices in Middleburg, Virginia. Past Vice-President, General Counsel, Atlantic CommTech Corporation, a Telecommunications service company with offices in Virginia Beach, Virginia and Ramstein, Germany. This company specializes in encrypted military telecommunications services and subcontracts to domestic telecommunications companies. President, Atlantic
Coast Technologies, a product company developing commercial products for maritime use. Past
Experience Attorney with Boeing in its Seattle headquarters dealing with corporate liability exposure. A Partner in the intellectual property law firm of Fidelman,Wolffe, Leitner and Hiney with offices in the District of Columbia and Virginia. Hiney was the litigation partner for firm and handled complex legal matters, litigated in several Federal Circuits and handled all computer patent prosecution for firm. Vice President and General Counsel for Teleattach, Inc., an interactive television product company based in Maryland. Partner in Qualley, Larson and Jones, a seven office agribusiness law firm with offices in Kansas City, Omaha, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Fargo, Duluth and Washington, D.C. Hiney initiated Gasohol practice and formed the American Gasohol Association. He practiced before EPA, Department of Energy, Department of Justice, Patent & Trademark Office, Defense Department, Department of State, etc. in administrative matters. He represented: MCI Communications, U.S. Steel, Brunswick Corporation, Boeing Company and other Fortune 500 companies in various matters including litigation. Vice President,
Secretary and General Counsel for Noise Cancellation Technologies of
Stamford, Connecticut and Baltimore, Maryland, a NASDAQ company. His
responsibilities included running a 300-plus case international patent
docket, complying with SEC requirements, working with corporate financial
team and outside auditors, running litigation in London and Tokyo, and
developing a profit center within the company by licensing technology.
He was the registered lobbyist for the company and was successful in
keeping Japanese competition out of the U. S. market. |